Windows Mobile

Windows Mobile is a mobile operating system being developed by Microsoft, softwere is designed for use in smartphones and other wireless devices, and its features are developed using Microsoft Windows API. Windows Mobile was designed in such a way that is similar to the version of Windows Desktop. First time in release as the Operating System Pocket PC 2000, most Windows Mobile devices in lengakapi with Stylus Pen or called a touch screen.

Features that have been developed on windows mobile, such as Windows mobile softwere, applications and games. This device will surely make penggunannya not always depend on the desktop and the PC because windows can be accessed using wireless devices.

Wireless devices that use Windows mobile softwere as one of its features would be favored by consumers who really need the softwere windows wherever they are, not limited to space and time.

comment 4 comments:

Belajar Bisnis Internet on 05 April, 2010 16:31 mengatakan...

Tulisan ini paid review atau bukan?

kuman on the net on 07 April, 2010 18:00 mengatakan...

HP saya nggak bisa pake niih kayaknya, HP punyaku mah bukan SmartPhone tapi idiotPhone

HAPIA Mesir on 08 April, 2010 05:36 mengatakan...

hp2 sekarang yang udah canggih pada makenya windows mobile. jadi seperti mini pc digenggaman gt.

Prian Jaya on 11 April, 2010 16:28 mengatakan...

Makasih,, mau dicoba dulu nih..

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